Energy and clean water co production in remote islands to face the intermittent character of wind energy
Optimal design of geothermal–solar greenhouses for the
Detailed examination of the Greek electricity sector nitrogen oxides emissions for the period 1995-2002
Review of Optimization Methods in Pollution Prevention and Contro
Renewable energy desalination plants for the Greek Islands, technical and economic considerations
A general algorithm for short-term scheduling of batch operations - I. MILP formulation
Production planning for the rational use of energy in multiproduct continuous plants
Περιβάλλον και βιομηχανική ανάπτυξη, τόμος ΙΙ :Μείζονα περιβαλλοντικά προβλήματα, διαχείριση αποβλήτων: θεωρία, ερωτήσεις κατανόησης-εμβάθυνσης
Steady State and Dynamic Simulation of a Distillation Column
Κατασκευή και λειτουργία εργαστηρίου καταλυτικού συνεχούς αντιδραστήρα περιστρεφόμενης κλίνης, κινητές μελέτες αντιδράσεων οξείδωσης των CO, προπανίου από τον αέρα και αναπαραγωγής του NO από CO
Investigation of energy production by the utilization of municipal solid wastes in Greece
Technical and economic evaluation of water reuse from wastewater treatments plants
RES-based power plants siting using geographical information systems
Energy performance evaluation of a hybrid system in the Athos State
Prospects and limitations of wind energy applications in remote island regions
Optimum sizing of a PV-battery diesel hybrid system for remote consumers
Modelling biomass and biofuels supply chains
Recent views on the public acceptance of wind energy and photovoltaic applications in Greece
Optimization methods and tools for sustainable wate resources management. Experiences and trends